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Tips dan Trik Download Format APKG 1 dan 2 Pembelajaran Terpadu


How to Use APKG 1 and 2 Formats for Integrated Learning in Elementary Schools

Are you a teacher who wants to improve your ability to plan and implement integrated learning in your classroom? If so, you may want to use APKG 1 and 2 formats as your tools for self-assessment and improvement. In this article, we will explain what APKG 1 and 2 are, what integrated learning is, and how to use these formats in your teaching practice.

What are APKG 1 and 2?

APKG 1 and 2 are tools for assessing the teachers' ability to plan and implement integrated learning in elementary schools. APKG stands for Alat Penilaian Kemampuan Guru, which means Teacher Ability Assessment Tool in Indonesian. These tools were developed by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia as part of the teacher professional development program.

download format apkg 1 dan 2 pembelajaran terpadu

APKG 1 is a document that contains the criteria and scoring rubric for evaluating the teachers' ability to plan integrated learning. It covers aspects such as determining the theme, developing the material, designing the learning scenario, managing the class, and preparing the assessment.

APKG 2 is a document that contains the criteria and scoring rubric for evaluating the teachers' ability to implement integrated learning. It covers aspects such as conducting the routine tasks, initiating the learning activities, using various methods, facilitating the students' participation, and conducting the assessment.

What is Integrated Learning?

Integrated learning is an approach that involves several subjects to provide meaningful learning experiences for students. In integrated learning, students understand the concepts they learn through direct experience and connect them with other concepts they already know. Integrated learning is centered on students and emphasizes their involvement in learning.

Integrated learning has several advantages, such as:

Integrated learning can be implemented in various ways, such as:

  • Thematic learning: This is a type of integrated learning that uses a theme or a topic as the basis for integrating several subjects. For example, a theme of "environment" can be used to integrate subjects such as science, social studies, language, and art.

  • Project-based learning: This is a type of integrated learning that involves students in a project that requires them to apply their knowledge and skills from different subjects. For example, a project of "creating a school magazine" can involve students in using their skills in writing, editing, designing, and publishing.

  • Problem-based learning: This is a type of integrated learning that engages students in solving a real-world problem that requires them to use their knowledge and skills from different subjects. For example, a problem of "reducing plastic waste" can require students to use their knowledge and skills in science, math, economics, and civic education.

How to Use APKG 1 and 2 Formats?

To use APKG 1 and 2 formats, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Download the formats

You can download the formats of APKG 1 and 2 from the following links:

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download format apkg

  • [APKG 1 format]

  • [APKG 2 format]

You can also find the formats on the official website of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia or on the website of your local education office.

Step 2: Understand the criteria and scoring rubric

Before you use the formats, you need to understand the criteria and scoring rubric for each aspect of planning and implementing integrated learning. The criteria are based on the standards of elementary education in Indonesia. The scoring rubric consists of four levels: excellent, good, fair, and poor. You need to read the descriptions of each level carefully and compare them with your own performance.

Step 3: Plan your integrated learning using APKG 1 format

To plan your integrated learning using APKG 1 format, you need to consider the following components:

Theme, material, and objectives

You need to choose a theme that connects several subjects and competencies that you want to teach. You also need to develop the material that suits the theme and objectives. You need to formulate the objectives clearly and specifically, using verbs that indicate observable behaviors.

Material, media, and resources

You need to select the material that is relevant, accurate, and up-to-date. You also need to choose the media that are appropriate, attractive, and easy to use. You need to prepare the resources that are sufficient, accessible, and reliable.

Learning scenario

You need to design the learning scenario that involves various activities and strategies that match the theme, objectives, material, media, and resources. You need to sequence the activities logically and coherently. You also need to specify the time allocation, grouping arrangement, roles and responsibilities, instructions and guidance for each activity.

Class management

You need to manage the class organization and environment to facilitate learning. You need to arrange the seating layout, lighting condition, ventilation system, noise level, safety measures, and cleanliness of the class. You also need to establish the rules, norms, expectations, rewards, and consequences for the class.

Assessment procedure and tools

You need to prepare and conduct the assessment that measures the students' achievement and progress. You need to determine the assessment procedure that is valid, reliable, fair, and transparent. You also need to design or select the assessment tools that are aligned with the objectives, material, media, and resources. You also need to specify the scoring criteria, feedback mechanism, and follow-up actions for the assessment.

Step 4: Implement your integrated learning using APKG 2 format

To implement your integrated learning using APKG 2 format, you need to consider the following components:

Routine tasks

You need to conduct the routine tasks that are necessary for starting and ending the learning process. You need to check the attendance, greet the students, review the previous lesson, state the objectives, summarize the main points, and assign homework.

Learning initiation

You need to initiate the learning activities that are engaging and motivating for the students. You need to activate the students' prior knowledge, introduce the theme, present the problem or question, stimulate the students' curiosity, and create a positive learning atmosphere.

Learning methods

You need to use various learning methods that are suitable for the theme, objectives, material, media, and resources. You need to apply the methods that are student-centered, interactive, collaborative, and reflective. You also need to vary the methods according to the students' needs, interests, and abilities.

Student participation

You need to facilitate the students' participation in the learning activities. You need to encourage the students to express their opinions, ask questions, share ideas, give feedback, and solve problems. You also need to monitor, guide, and support the students' learning process.

Assessment process and results

You need to conduct the assessment process and results that are consistent with your plan. You need to administer the assessment tools, collect the data, score the responses, analyze the results, and report the findings. You also need to provide feedback, remediation, enrichment, and evaluation for the students.

Step 5: Evaluate your performance using APKG 1 and 2 formats

To evaluate your performance using APKG 1 and 2 formats, you need to do the following:

  • Compare your performance with the criteria and scoring rubric of each aspect of planning and implementing integrated learning.

  • Identify your strengths and weaknesses in each aspect of planning and implementing integrated learning.

  • Determine your overall score and level of ability in planning and implementing integrated learning.

  • Reflect on your experience and learning outcomes in planning and implementing integrated learning.

  • Set your goals and action plans for improving your ability in planning and implementing integrated learning.


In this article, we have explained what APKG 1 and 2 are, what integrated learning is, and how to use these formats in your teaching practice. We hope that this article has helped you understand how to plan and implement integrated learning in elementary schools using APKG 1 and 2 formats.

APKG 1 and 2 are useful tools for assessing and improving your ability in planning and implementing integrated learning. Integrated learning is an effective approach for providing meaningful learning experiences for your students. By using APKG 1 and 2 formats, you can enhance your professional competence and performance in delivering integrated learning.

Here are some tips or suggestions for using APKG 1 and 2 effectively:

  • Use APKG 1 and 2 formats regularly and systematically as part of your self-assessment and improvement process.

  • Use APKG 1 and 2 formats as a guide or reference for planning and implementing integrated learning, not as a rigid or fixed template.

  • Use APKG 1 and 2 formats as a tool for collaboration and communication with other teachers or stakeholders who are involved in integrated learning.

  • Use APKG 1 and 2 formats as a tool for feedback and improvement from your students, peers, mentors, or supervisors who can give you constructive and objective feedback.

  • Use APKG 1 and 2 formats as a tool for learning and development by seeking more information, resources, or opportunities that can help you enhance your ability in planning and implementing integrated learning.


What is the difference between APKG 1 and 2?

APKG 1 is a tool for assessing the teachers' ability to plan integrated learning, while APKG 2 is a tool for assessing the teachers' ability to implement integrated learning.

How can I download APKG 1 and 2 formats?

You can download APKG 1 and 2 formats from the links provided in this article, or from the official website of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia or your local education office.

How can I use APKG 1 and 2 formats effectively?

You can use APKG 1 and 2 formats effectively by following the steps explained in this article, and by using them as tools for self-assessment, improvement, collaboration, communication, feedback, and learning.

What are the benefits of integrated learning?

Integrated learning has several benefits, such as enhancing the students' motivation and interest, developing the students' critical thinking and problem-solving skills, fostering the students' creativity and innovation, promoting the students' collaboration and communication skills, and integrating the students' values and attitudes with their knowledge and skills.

What are some examples of integrated learning methods?

Some examples of integrated learning methods are thematic learning, project-based learning, and problem-based learning. These methods use a theme, a project, or a problem as the basis for integrating several subjects and competencies. 44f88ac181


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